Urgent Support

24/7/365 website monitoring and expert support in emergencies.

Emergency 24/7 service
Our team is global, working 24/7, 365 days a year, including nights and weekends. So if a crisis comes up, even in the middle of the night, we’ll handle it quickly.
Post-crisis communication
Our team doesn’t just fix the problem and wish you luck. We will provide you information on the cause and issues found during our emergency ticket resolutions.
Safe procedures
We do a manual and automated comparison of your website before and after we dive in to get a full scope of the errors on the site and the final resolution.
24/7 Website Monitoring
Our uptime monitoring tools check your site for critical errors around the clock. If a critical error is detected, our team is notified immediately so we can respond.
Full summary
Get absolute transparency through every problem. We reach out and update you via email about the current crisis to keep you informed throughout the process.
Weekly Reports
Our team is behind every emergency, and always monitoring your site. So we provide you with a site up-  and down-time report every single week.

Some of Our Clients

More On Emergency

Our WP engineers have your site covered 24/7 for site down issues.

Fast Response Time
Whether it’s a site down an issue or an urgent ticket submitted about a broken functionality, our team is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies quickly. All emergency tickets receive priority support.
Emergency Restoral from Backup
In the event your site needs to be restored, we are able to quickly and easily perform site restorals from our backup services that are also provided in all plans alongside our emergency support.
Down-time Prevention
All of our plans also include Weekly Managed Updates, on top of our Emergency WordPress Support, which safely updates your WordPress core files, themes, and plugins that could cause down-time or errors.
Hosting Issues Support
Many times a site-down issue or critical error can be caused by the server or hosting provider. If that’s the case, we will contact your host’s support team for you and work with them to resolve the issue.


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